We grew, developed, studied, worked, got sick, hung out, traveled, had fun, we constantly received, more and more new experiences, received and received...perpetual motion...and what's next? Surely you've had thoughts, such as:
What have you done for this world? Invented what? What have you given this planet? Something is missing, something is wrong here?!
I'm thinking, maybe it's time to start giving, and then I will feel like a more complete person. Do you think "The world has done nothing for you?" So take a start, be the first. You are alive and healthy, so give others a chance to be like that, to experience it, isn't it the most important thing to be healthy, especially in our time? Isn't it written about helping our nearest in the holy scriptures, or won't this multiply and exalt us? Be the first!
What is our idea? By Buying quality clothes, you help those in need, and so that people know that you did that help by seeing that clothes on you.